Flu clinics for eligible patients are available through the month of September and October. Please call reception to book an appointment.
All surgeries and clinics are by same day appointment only. Exceptionally, urgent cases will be seen without an appointment. Surgeries are held each morning and evening, Monday to Friday, except Thursday afternoons. If you wish to discuss more than one problem, please ask reception about booking a double appointment.
Doctor Appointments and Cancellations
To help us offer a wide range of appointment times please help us by informing us in good time if you are unable to keep an appointment, thereby enabling us to offer the appointment to someone else.
A small number of appointments are reserved each day for those patients who have a more urgent need to see a doctor. These appointments are not intended for ongoing medical problems and cannot be booked before the day. Please ensure these are used only for a true medical emergency.
Telephone Calls
A consultation service is available, whereby details are taken by a receptionist and a doctor will call back later in the morning. If the doctor then thinks the patient needs to be seen, an appointment, or a home visit will be arranged with the doctor or a nurse. Phone lines are open continuously from 8:30 – 18:00. Please try to telephone in the mornings, so that we have time to sort out any problems the same day.
Physiotherapy service
You can book a telephone consultation without seeing a GP or any long standing musculoskeletal condition or pain associated with joint, muscle or nerve, back pain, sciatica or arthritis with our Physiotherapy service at Barnsley Road Surgery.
Nurse Appointments
Routine ten-minute appointments are available with a nurse at various times throughout the day. Demand for some appointment times can be high and you are advised to book in advance. Please inform the receptionist of the reason you wish to see the Nurse at the time of booking, to ensure that adequate time is allowed for your appointment.
Our nurse is happy to provide first-aid and advice on injuries and may also be consulted on:
- General health checks
- Blood pressure checks
- Contraception/Family planning
- Diabetics
- Asthma
- Women's health, including cervical smears
- Diet, healthy eating, lifestyle advice
- Heart disease prevention
- Holiday and travel immunisations
- Contraception/Emergency Contraception

Evening and weekend GP practice appointments
Local GP practices have teamed up to improve the way we provide weekend and evening appointment for our patients.
This new service will begin on Saturday 1st October it and will mean that most people will be able to book weekend and evening appointments closer to where they live. For our patients we will be providing appointments will be provided at North East Cluster; Flowers Health Centre and Norwood Medical Centre.
Remote and face-to-face appointments can be made with a variety of GP practice staff including Doctors, Advance Care Practitioners, Nurses, Nurse Associates, Health Care Assistants, Physiotherapists and, Pharmacists.
Initially appointments can be booked through you practice, but we will soon be adding the option for patients to book direct online and through NHS 111.
Click to find out more at http://www.primarycaresheffield.org.uk/ea-cluster-north-east/
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